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All too often companies put up with slow, fragmented and outdated solutions because they believe adopting a new software will be too difficult. This results in messy payroll systems, disgruntled employees and scattered operations that cost you time and money.

As1® is here to change all of that.

With unparalleled support and a commitment to excellence, unifying your payroll with As1® is the ultimate tool for improving business operations. Here’s what you can expect when you start using this groundbreaking software.

Project Management

With As1®, you don’t have to worry about navigating various touchpoints when implementing our partnership. We’ll assign you a designated Project Manager to oversee and execute the entire operation. Your project manager will manage all of the work streams, be your single point-of-contact and ensure that all strategy and contractual obligations are met.

Here’s a quick snapshot of the main project phases your Project Manager will oversee:

  • Initial Requirements: In-depth overview of the requirements needed to implement As1®
  • Project Plan: Guide for the execution of phases, goals, obiectives and more
  • Kickoff Meeting: Introduction of project work teams, deadlines and expectations
  • Responsibilities Definition: Define responsibilities for each task
  • Project Control: Control of aspects related to executing tasks

Project managers exist to make your life easier. They help you unify your existing global payroll as quickly and effectively as possible.


Governance Model

To ensure a smooth transition to our payroll system, we’ll hold quarterly discussions with members of the steering committee. These are representatives from all parties involved in the project to help everyone remain in the loop and on track.

Steering committee members are responsible for various elements of the project including:

  • Monitoring targets, costs, timeframes and resources
  • Resolving any conflicts that arise
  • Providing policy and strategic direction for the project
  • Reviewing and approving plans, schedules, and scope of the overall project

Having a designated representative from each function of the project helps ensure that no stone is left unturned when adopting our system.


Risk Management

Like every other project a business carries out, it’s important to identify, mitigate and resolve all risks. This could be when a deliverable or task isn’t delivered or performed on time, going over budget, etc. Your project manager owns the process of mitigating risk and has the training and expertise needed to spot any issues as quickly as possible.

With a designated process in place, we’ll identify all potential risks and their impact to determine the most effective responses needed. This is an ongoing process to ensure that any new or potential risks are caught early on to allow for maximum mitigation.


Resource Allocation

We understand that the various teams involved in this project have other duties and commitments at work. That’s why we’ve clearly outlined our estimated resource allocation in percentages to give companies a better idea of what’s required from their teams. Depending on the stage of the project, your employees may need to be more or less involved compared
to other stages of the project.

We pride ourselves on transparency and want to ensure that you and your teams are as informed and prepared as possible throughout the entire process. We’ve also calculated the approximate amount of days needed for each phase of the project, helping you plan out your financial year with ease.


Get in touch

Adopting a new software doesn’t have to be scary or intimidating. With As1®, we’re with you each step of the way. With unbeatable support, a single point of contact and ongoing risk analysis, you can be rest assured that embarking on this project won’t only be seamless – it’ll transform the way you process payroll.